iN da claSS iM freezing bt oNce iM outside hOt !!!
this kind of weather reaLly kiLling anD make ppl easily fall sick..
so reMember take good care yA pPl !!! driNK mOre water =)
2dae attended computer graphics class.. and lecturer were asking us to draw something using Illustrator..iM bad iN drawiNg and here are some of my works ...
( it looks like jacket and trousers bt it suppose to be soMething eLse )
(my ugLy pc of woRks with colour)

(lecturer versioN )
( my versioN )
i reaLLy hV No taleNt iN drawiNg and i used to get a D when i was in primary school for drawing classes.. =p
i hope i could have a pair of artistics hands and draw anything and everything i like..=)
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