a latest iNventiOn... !! Listen Up Listen Up !
do you ever thiNk of using ur USB flash drive / some ppl call it pendrive can function as a key ? a latest invention by the taiwan student (高雄中山高商學生) they invented this USB can function as a key to open door ... the one and only key that customize for you !!!! Not only can open for your house door bt also office door and even CAR door =) CHUN ya !
iS really convenience and is all computerize each diff door hv diff code for it..
you can also use this as a normal pendrive where u save file and pictures ... everything in 1 small tiny device ..
bt i think there is a pro's and con's
what if i lost the USB i cant enter my house.. aNd you cant go to the stall or shop to match a new pair immediately bt you need to pay quite a number of amount to get a new 1.. bt if ur house has many many door..it may be helpful ..u dont need to carry the heavy heap of key in your pocket or bag..
many ppl may wondering then all their door must hv the same code izzit??
NO .. nO.. nOo..
every door they hv different code and the pendrive saVe all the code 2gether so once you plug in the pendrive it can automatically detect the code and you be able to Access!!
wonder when it wiLL be Launch Hmm Hmm hMM ...
let's Look forward for it ..
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