A LA MODE WILD , COOLISH WILD, MYSTIQUE WILD, and another 2 i forgot! =)

Look at my pity Leg .. *sob SOb* =(
This is the full production by me and my classmate.. include planning, shooting and editing.. the only thing that we did not involve is the script writing.. the script is done by my lecturer Mr.Cyrus ..
Now I realize that wasnt easy to shoot a short drama.. although is just a 2minutes show but it takes 3 hours to shoot.. We have to concern alot of things like lighting , angle , dialogue and many more... the same dialogue gotta shoot atlease 3 times to get a different angle..some even shoot the same scene but with 4-5 different angle.. this is due to we have only 1 video camera so that we cant roll the camera at the same time.. this had made our job more complicated and tiring.. i wonder my final assignment for this semester is 1 drama and 1 MTV omg !!!! it will take up alot of time to do that.. from idea, script writing , storyboard, planning, shooting, editing .. alot of work to do...
Homemade salad, smash potatoes, garlic bread, lamb chop
thx Celine for the nice photos..
so cool rite?? cant wait to have one..
30 minutes shooting session on stage
30 minutes shooting session on stage
At the Nikonian Booth