last year 25/6/2009 the world receive a very bad news about MJ.. he passed away and leave us behind with his famous music and dance.. I was very impress with his dancing.. although im not a big fan of him but he's really talented and influence the world so much... almost everytime when there's a talent show you will definitely get to watch atlease 1 of the contestant imitate MJ dance.. is such a big lost when we receive his dead news... So fast he been leaving us 1year.. it seem like just happened few months ago.. time pass really fast.. OMG !!!! sometime too fast until you cant cope with it.. Oops ~~ back to the MJ !!!I personally like the song Heal The World by MJ i think is so touching and really meaningful.. the way he perform really touches my heart *clap clap* MJ u rock man !! i respect u !!!! hope there are ppl continually learn MJ dance and passes to the next generation ~~~ im sure he in the heaven will be very happy if he knew that..

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