aLot ppl were asking me How i keep my skin with less pimple, moisture and smooth even without make up.. i wont say that my skin is pimple free or the best skin texture..bUt i always try my best to avoid my face get IntO the bad condition.. No one will get a good skin if they do not put effort on taking care of their skin..
here are some of the ways that i keep my skin look great all the time =)
1. drink alot of water[ everyone might say that ya i drink alot of water but why my skin still look dull? it seem that water didnt really help. But how many litre of water you drink in a day? 1 litre or less than that? maybe 1 litre for you consider alot.. but my term of ALOT is 3-5 litre a day. Not to 4get is normal boiled water not ur favourite coke,tea or coffee ]
2. Get enough sleep[ in the hasty and busy city, people hardly get enough sleep unless is weekend.. but try your best to get enough rest, your skin need rest !]
3. Use proper facial product [ everyone might think that how would I noe whether the product is right for me? when u go to different beauty shop they introduce different product to you, but how do you pick the correct one?]
here are some tips which i think is quite useful.. but it might not be suitable for everyone, because diffrent ppl have diffrent skin can take it as a reference... =)
first know ur skin texture are you (oily , combination or dry ) skin?
then buy suitable product for your skin c.
Do not stick with only 1 brand [ this is my experiences. I feel that i used few diffrent brand facial form, my skin looks better compare to only 1 product that i used for long term. Starting your skin may absorb the new product essence and you feel that you make a right choice,but after sometime you will start to feel that ur skin just remain at that level and cannot go further and better. That is why I have 5 facial form with me.. I take turn to used it and it is more effective. My face can absorb even better]
* make sure you choose each facial foarm that suitable for your skin..
After you bought the facial form dont be lazy to wash your face.. At lease twice a days.. BUt i wash it not only in the morning and the night but also when i bath.. Some ppl may think that the more you wash your face, your skin will get even dry.. but if you use toner and moisturising cream after washing your shouldnt be a problem..

here are my facial form..
1. Xalonpac milk cleansing
2. Clara PH value facial gel
3. Neutrogena foaing cleanser
4. Estee Lauder foarming cleanse
5. Clinique gel cleanser
Simple act which make ur skin look great all the time.. Try it today and you will see the diffrence if you continuosly for long term ..
It works on me HOw about you?
Hope it really works on you too.. =)