2dae have a very good exercise .. walk from pavillion to klcc then from klcc walk back to sg.wang ! OMG !!! my legs muscle so tired and muscle pain !!! i go for 3 hours gym also not as tiring as today 30 mins walk... was quite fun with a group of friends miNgle around here and there with no direction ~~ is been quite soMetime didnt go out with suCh a huge gang of PPL...!!! a coOl and fuN experience agaiN ! =) my friend [ emiLy ] took me to a restoran at sg.wang foR a drink.. the shop is quite unique and funny... aLL the design make up by the toilet bowl and everything u see in the bathroom... the table is a bathtub and the chair is the toilet bowl.. i went to the 1 of the cheraS restoraN also the sAme concept But the diff in the sg.waNg restoran is eveN the boWl u eat / drink is alSo either bathtub or the toilet bowL.. it look fuNny !!!

look at the menu.. there is a tooth brush ~

the dessert i ordered ~~
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