is beeN suCh a lOng time i Didnt eNter to the ciNeMa.. im OUTdated iN movies aNd i dOnt reaLly Like to wAtch aLl the movie that is beiNg shOw iN the ciNeMa.. coZ Not aLL of them were Nice aNd soMe are stuPid !!! but soMetiMe watch soMe stupiD shOw is quite eNtertaiNing.. anyway iM not movies suRprisingLy this fri i wiLl enter the ciNema.. hELlO ciNema... ! i get a free ticket oN the shOw beLow :

yea ~~~ the iron men 2.. i thiNk alMost everybOdy had watched rite? nOw pPl shouLd be watching IP MAN d.. bt im going to watch iron men.. LOL abit outdated d !!! i dont like the crowded ciNeMa.. especially those pPL who sit beside you and they do irritate you by talking/the eating noise and so etc..the lesser the PPl iN the cinema the better !!! atlease you can fuLly enjoy the movie !!! free froM interruption ! dont u agree with me??
this afternOOn the suN was so hOt and almost burn off my skin... i cant live without my umbrealla and sunglasses d.. the weather is so crazy !!!! make u sweat, smelly then in the evening the weather make u wet and smelly as well .. !!! aiyoo !! really cant take it the hOT and coLd.. weather pLs dont imitate katy perry hOT and coLD.. V huMan caNt staNd it ! feeling headache and dizzy everydaY.. lack of slEep make u feel miserable.. ppl out there drink More water ya !!! dont faLL siCk !!!! water reaLly help aLot.. bt Not coLd water !!! it wiLl make u even More thirsty !!! driNk mineral water ...if is possibLe warM water wiLL be goOD !!! take care =)
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