My skin so dry and poP up few piMples.. I need mask..
before i work on my mask i need some tools to touch up my eyebrown

i hate my eyebrown being messy and not well shape..
Then I still need another EquitMent b4 i start to appLy my maSk..

without this my hair will definiteLY drop to the front..
Here you go .. my mask.. i love this mask very much.. is a hydrating +whitening+ moisture mask.. after i apply this i will feel my face so refreshing and smooth...

when i apply mask i like to pt on 2 slice of cucumber each slice on a side of the eye to relax my eyes..

after 20 minutes.. im DONE !!! i cant live without my MAsk ..

If you have expired mask.. dont trow it away.. it can be use.. But of coz not to apply it on your face u can apply it on your legs or hands... dont waste it

this is the 1st part aBout the mAsk I used.. will continue another Mask 2moro.. stay tune for more of my Revealing ....
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