yesterday was another exhausted day 4 me.. i went to DCIM at mid valley for nikonian was quite fuN to hang around and snap picture with my partner CLEO.. and i met aLot of nikonian photographer there as like a reunion... After the tiriNg dAy.. i weNt to the garden FONG LYE a taiwanese restoran to hV my diNner with my beLoved Bby... he beeN waited foR me mOre than 5 hours aLone.. thX bby i Love u ! the foOd there was fantastic.. very big portioN..i ordered a dessert i cant remember the name but it taste great..i like it very much..aNd also a mix seafOOd+fried Pork with rice to share with my bbY..yuMmy~ think of it i feel hungry nOw..!!!

this is the place..

this is the dessert...

this is the mix seafood with miso food..yummy~~
worth to try ...
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