while i reading thru the online fashion article.. i suddenly sAw this picture.. i think is quite interesting and thought of sharing with you ~ mother day just passed how u celebrate with your mother? have a wonderful dinner with her ? or u bought something for her?
i do not practice celebrating mother day..coZ my mom at new york anD she dO not travel all the way back just to celebrate mother day...last time i Did send greeting card to her but at the eNd she gave me back the greetiNg card aNd i tOt oF y Not just write emAIL to her aNd ya eMail is more convenience coMpare to posting a card !
YA..mother is iMportant...without her you wont be here today.. no matter what she did to you baD or gOOd there must be a reAson.. no doubt sometiMe due to misunderstanding you have quarrel with her but at the end she still your love ones.. cherish her..! iS not eaSy to be a mother!
let's say I LOVE U MAMMY !
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