Few dAy DIdnt uPload my bLog d.. i waS BUsy with all my college aSsignments.. VERY HEAVY WORK LOAD !!!!! friday public holiday but it seem is not a hoLiday foR me i wEnt to my frieNd hOuse to coMplete my Mass Comm assignment where due nExt weD .. i been sitting at my friend house from 10am - 5pm non stop working on the pop up book and without any break or food.. i only went to the toilet once.. so pity !!! luckily i brought my own water if not i think i will be suffering d.. that day was a horrible day for me very exhausted and the day b4 i slept quite late coz i working on my computer graphic assignment So is like half awake working.. sat and sun i didnt get enough rest also.. although i went out the whole dAY today but my mind still keep thinking about my assignment and all.. really headache.. this coming week i have 4 assignment due.. that is why i been rushing all this while even i started to do on the first day when the lecturer gave me...
No matter how tiring or how busy i am.. i will never miss to go to the beauty shop for my facial.. now adays i sleep very late wake up very early my skin getting bad.. iF i still dont visit the beauty shop i think soon my skin will become worst.. even i do my own mask..

this is the picture i took while doing the treatment mask @ beauty shop..
last thu day I receive my free HP laptop d..been waiting for such a long Long time.. but i stiLL dont really used to it coz it window 7 and still figuring out the settiNg.. iS quite different from my window vista...

I promised that i will show my mask product the other day but due to i have alot of work on hand i will postpone it few days.. Im really sorry about that and hope the following day i wiLL have more time on my blog..
* ALot of things to share *
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