WeLcoMe tO my WonderLaND !

thX fOr speNding yOur tiMe aNd reAd thrU my blOgs ! *aPPreciate Lots *

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Octopus predicts England result against Germany

click on the link below to see the octopus [ Paul ] predicts the world cup 2010..this is the match which Germany VS England.. this predicts was before the match start..and the ppl once again uses Paul to predict which team will win.. and eventually Paul chooses Germany and Germany won the game at last .. the ppl been using this method for the previous world cup prediction and it is 100% accurate.. very suprise rite??


thx miss Jo for sharing with us in class today.. =)

Monday, June 28, 2010















Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Lengend Is Born : IP Man

yesterday went to Tropicana city mall and watch The Lengend Is Born : IP Man ... I have watched the previous Ip Man 1 & 2 as well .. but this The Lengend Is Born : IP Man really a bad show .. coz they do not really bring out the real IP Man as compared to the Ip Man 1&2... the action and fighting all also quite difference.. and most important is no story line.. out of sudden fight out of sudden then end.. and so dramatic .. not real enuf.. i noe movie nid to be dramatic but sometime just too much and it makes the audience feel so fake... really bad bad bad as compare to the previous IP Man ..and sometime quite confusing also.. they show Sammo Hung picture everyone thought he will be in the show.. but end up he appear only in the starting and less then 5 min then he pass away.. i like WAT ??? anyway i think IP Man 1 is still the best.. 2 also so so only.. i dont think they study the previous 1 & 2 IP Man if not they can produce a better one..the actors were difference and everything just completely not match.. i feel a lil wasting time to watch that movie also.. that my opinion after watching the movie.. Difference ppl have diff opinion.. i noe everything nid alot of effort and time to produce i respect that.. but this is just my feedback.. ! =)

母雞吃牧草 生出綠色蛋 ?

「奇怪,怎麼會有1 顆蛋是綠色的?」陳姓婦女養了10幾隻母雞,今天上午到雞舍撿蛋時,1 窩蛋內竟然有1顆是淡綠色的。她說,養了30、40年的土雞,土雞蛋都是皮膚色,有的稍微偏白,就是從未看過綠色的土雞蛋,比鴨蛋的顏色還綠。
專家表示,如果其它母雞同樣生出綠色的蛋,就有可能是飼料出問題,偏偏只有1 顆是綠色,因此問題不是飼料,他也無法判斷什麼原因,有可能是蛋殼形成時母雞受到驚嚇.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Michael Jackson ~ 1 year dead anniversary

last year 25/6/2009 the world receive a very bad news about MJ.. he passed away and leave us behind with his famous music and dance.. I was very impress with his dancing.. although im not a big fan of him but he's really talented and influence the world so much... almost everytime when there's a talent show you will definitely get to watch atlease 1 of the contestant imitate MJ dance.. is such a big lost when we receive his dead news... So fast he been leaving us 1year.. it seem like just happened few months ago.. time pass really fast.. OMG !!!! sometime too fast until you cant cope with it.. Oops ~~ back to the MJ !!!I personally like the song Heal The World by MJ i think is so touching and really meaningful.. the way he perform really touches my heart *clap clap* MJ u rock man !! i respect u !!!! hope there are ppl continually learn MJ dance and passes to the next generation ~~~ im sure he in the heaven will be very happy if he knew that..

身體健康後減重自然就不難 ~

以下是健康控制食慾的小撇步 ~

一 聽音樂也能瘦?


二 畫畫


三 與大自然親近


希望大家都能吃的健康 瘦的開心!

神經失調的人通常有的症狀 ~

神經失調的人通常有幾個症狀喔 :


我有 1 ,2 , 3 ,5 。。。 难道我精神失调吗?? oh noo ~

Thursday, June 24, 2010




























My Diet plan works~

heHAH ~ i manage to slim down 3kg in just 3 days... really thanks to my beloved HONEY DRINK !!! *muakxx .. i weight myself on sat and i was 52.5kg let's make it a round number 53kg .. then i went to gym 2dae and i weight myself again is 50kg .. hURayyy !!!! bt still havent reach my target yet... i wan 48kg and i hope to maintain that weight...quite hard actually... im 173cm with 50kg kinda fat hMm... if i manage to get 48kg i think it will be just nice.. but of coz if i can get below 48kg that will be better.. bt only in my dream will happen.. =s

this is not an easy task.. you have to stay strong and set ur mind with strong willpower only you will success.. drink only HONEY DRINK continuosly 3days without eating is not easy.. but if you get to do it you will be suprise and you can feel the satisfaction feeling. the most important is the RESULT ... the difficult part is only the 1st day..if you're not use to it you may faint actually.. you will feel headache, dizzy and once you stand up you can see star sparkling infront of you , stomachache and all kind of symptom...once you gone thru the 1day.. 2nd and 3rd day is just as easy as ABC and you dont feel any difference anymore coz your stomach use to it d..of coz in btw this 3days i went to yoga classes and do 1hour cardio at the gym... atlease you dont eat but let your body sweat a lil ... you will feel yourself lighten and fresh... although now i no longer can define what is HUNGRY ~~ but im happy to see the result..

in btw this 3days i actually browse and look thru the picture of food that i like... although i didnt get to eat it but i look at the picture and i feel as if i have just eaten ... is just like *syok sendiri* but that is how you control yourself.. when u pass by a restaurant you smell something nice just smell it and you will think that as if you just have that dish... that is how you psycho your brain to stay strong..!!

not everyone is encourage to do so.. but you can try if you would like to reduce weight.. but if you really cant stand it STOP doing it.. this is just a reference ... it works on me but it may not work on you.. different people have different kind of body so is depend how fast your body can react with it...and you will get diffrent result... =)

Happy trying ~~

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Last day of HONEY DRINK DIET ~

today is my last day of drinking HONEY DRINK ~~ 2moro will start to eat something .. but i dont feel hungry although i didnt eat for 3days.. 2moro i do not have burger , pasta or pizza perhaps i have RED BEAN + BARLI boil with plain water and it form a dessert .. NO SUGAR NO SALT is tasteless dessert.. can u imagine that??? maybe some of you may think that im torturing myself... but LADIES wish to look good and as best as they could and they are willing to do anything just to make them glow and gorgeous.. here I am .. =) .. I wish im a guy so that i do not need to care so much about my physical look.. HOW I WISH !!!! but too bad im born as a female and i need to take up the challenge.. in my head and brain there are only SLIM . PRETTY . TALL . S SHAPE and skinny bone lady and im trying very very very hard to achieve that ... and until now i still do not have any either.. HOPE i will acheive my goal very soon =)

this is the bottle that made me survive ~~~ the honey drink !

MY one day pilot video is on YOUTUBE ~~

heya.. check it out my one day pilot video at the following link... although im not the important person that day.. but is was fun to sit on a plane and just FLY ~~~~ WEeeee !


12 星座千万不可选的职业~






間諜的工作本身就要深藏不露,做事低調,可雙子絕對不是可能按捺住心情的人,一會兒就犯了老毛病,開始問東問西,馬上成為眾人矚目的焦點。時間一長, 更離譜的問題也會冒出來,請問你們這兒抓住間諜怎麼處分啊,是用老虎鉗還是辣椒水啊,如果我是間諜你們怕不怕啊,雙子座的結局可想而知。



















Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2nd day of DIET~

im drinking honey water for survival ~~ having a short diet session now~~ i think i look slightly plum infront of the camera and is time for me to lose some weight~~~ yesterday wasnt a bad day for me although i didnt eat anything at all but drinking 2.5L of tasteless honey water instead...i feel quite okay and i went to yoga class =) afterthat i just feel that i lack of strength on my hand~ but 2day was alright.. i can drive to college and attend classes and even walk around .. i didnt feel dizzy or headache whereas i feel cold...but now everything was fine ! =) 2moro will be the same day again ~ TASTELESS HONEY DRINK I LOVE YOU ~ =)

简单发型大公开 PART 4 最后一个Lesson了

Lesson 4 : 扭转




简单又漂亮~ 不妨试试吧~

Monday, June 21, 2010


今天又是我第一天的地狱式减肥了。。这次应该会比上次来的辛苦~我之前尝试过一个月只吃苹果而且一天不超过3颗~~ 然后也有只喝 yoghurt 饮料 第一个星期就瘦了3kg.. 现在我将会喝 3 Litre 的蜂蜜水维持3天。。这样的减肥法不适合超过3天因为这样算是断食了。。适合在大吃大喝以后进行。。一定要有意志力不要放弃!加油加油!3 天以后不能吃淀粉或油炸的食物最好是粥或蔬菜和水果。。但我将会吃不加糖的红豆+大意米熬成的甜点连续4天。。我其实不爱红豆但是红豆有助于瘦腿的功效所以只好啃下去。。祝我好运吧~~~

简单发型大公开 PART 3

Lesson 3 : 麻花(Plait)


1. 随便抓出一搓发束扭转一下

2. 再往后移动抓下一搓发束扭转一下

3. 组合起来的麻花辫比一般三股辫更简单,更自然!


Karate Kid~

Yesterday went to the Cinema and watch the Karate Kid.. i dont really fancy the kicking , boxing or fighting show.. but this shoW was quite goOd.. not only touches your heart but your soul as well~ WELL DONE !!! *clap clap* i Love the beijing scenery so much ... i wish i could travel there one day as well.. i went to China few times but i nv been to Beijing b4..what a waste ! back to the movie.. i love one part of the show very much is where there is a cobra aNd a lady... the lady was trying her very best to balance herself oN the rock and she actually lead the cobra to turn to the left and right ! i think that was awesome.. although i hate snake alot.. but i think that scene was good!!! *thumb up* After the IP MAN.. this was another highly recommended show!!!

TOP 5 最爱说谎的星座~ 是你吗?哈哈

最愛說謊TOP1天蠍座 [ 24/10 - 22/11]


最愛說謊TOP2雙子座 [ 21/5 - 21/6 ]


最愛說謊TOP3射手座 [ 23/11 - 21/12 ]


最愛說謊TOP4水瓶座 [ 20/1 - 18/2 ]


最愛說謊TOP5天秤座 [ 23/9 - 23/10 ]



简单发型大公开 PART 2

Lesson 2 :逆刮 ( back comb )



我推介 Aromatic HairSpray ~ 超赞的。。而且很耐哦!我自己也在用哦!

今天不妨 Try Try 吧!

Saturday, June 19, 2010




Lesson 1 : 鬈度

3.烫发之前先喯上定型液(Mousse) 不是hairspray


Mousse 我推介WELLA品牌不油腻而且容易洗脱!


今天先公开 Lesson 1 明天将会有Lesson 2 一共四个 Lesson... 密切留意哦!千万别错过!

Friday, June 18, 2010

番茄切開長芽3公分! 以為是蟲嚇壞了





18.06.2010 [ fri ]

another day end !! today whole day was busy doing my assignment and also changing My blog setting.. really tired of staring at the laptop screen for more than 7hours but i cant live without my laptop ! yesterday was really exhausted and i slept from 12.30am until today 2.30pm is been such a long time i didnt be piggy and i seldom get to sleep for such a long hours 14 hours OMG!!!!! it shows that im really tired !!! hahah but i feel sleepy d.. Oh noo ~~~ i will be going to gym now and workout.. i felt it seem i will get better result at nite because in the morning or afternoon after gym you will feel like hmm~ since i workout so much just now nvm i will pamper myself on food and you will "accidently" consume more kcal.. and it seem like you didnt reduce your kcal on that day.. =( whereas if you workout at nite.. all the food you consume on that day you will try your very best to burn it.. and since is at nite you will think that it is not ok to consume food at that time say no to SUPPER or else you will drop your teeth in future [ more info check my previous post ] .. that is how i psycho myself.. it really works.. how bout u????

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Traffic Sex

yesterday mass comm class my lecturer shared this quite funny and very creative picture with us..this guy used the traffic signs board to create a sex story !! hope you enjoy it.. i think quite a number of ppl have seen this... but to those who have not seen it yet check it out !

if is too small.. kindly click on the picture and it will direct you to another webpage with bigger picture !!

superimposed. ..

Yesterday was doing superimposed in the class.. and i did this two picture and my lecturer rejected he say this is not superimposed..is not wat he want.. but i think it was quite nice and i actually combine from few diffrent picture and edit it using Photoshop CS4 !!

this is how the beauty centre or skin care product make their ads..
my selection still not very nice and the colour tone not much diff.. but it look like the beauty product ads rite?? *syok sendiri*

this i uses my hair accessories,i cut it out to fill up my background and i took a picture of myself and also cut it out and place them together..

u see how great Photoshop can make all the not professional and not perfect picture look like so PRO !!!

i enjoy doing photoshop than illustrator ~~~ THUMB UP PHOTOSHOP!!!

my other 2 superimposed picture still in the progress.. once im done i will upload and share with u guys.. =)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

15.06.2010 tue

2dae wasn't a good day for me.. i been headache since this morning until now.. i feel so dizzy at the same time.. dunno wat wrg..maybe is the weather causes.. hate the afternoon weather burning my hand badly while im driving.. i will get dark soon =s last fri - mon also no class holiday for 4days wasnt enuf for me.. everyday got things to do and didnt really get enuf rest.. although this coming friday no class again but 2moro will start the computer graphic stressful assignment and friday no longer a holiday.. i still have alot of things to do but it seem i cant complete them everytime.. ! i feel my body getting weaker and weaker.. everyday feel so sleepy and backache.. sick sick pls stay away from me.. i need to rest and sleep !!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Petaling Street ..

Yesterday I went to Petaling Street.. Is been suCH a long long time i didnt visit this place d.. I went to the most famous herbal tea stall to buy the longan drink..this stall Used to be very famous and tasty.. now still alot ppl Q-ing for it.. but the taste is just normal not as great as what ppl said.. It cost RM1.20 per cup..

this is the longan drink..

Afterthat i went to the beef noodle shop that located opposite the petaling street.. when i was young my aunt used to bring me to this shop and have a bowl of beef noodle when v r down to KL.. Is been really a long time i didnt eat in this shop.. I tasted the beef ball dry noodle.. the mee wasn't really nice.. but the beef ball BEST !!!! so Q and tasty.. I love the beef ball very much ~~ overall the taste wasnt as good as last time.. but things is always like that.. when the shop/food is famous doesnt mean it taste good.. !

this is the stall ..

It cost RM6 per bowl ..

Pilot A Day

WOhOooo~~~ today was a great day.. i was flying around KL City for alomost an hour with the Cirrus S20 plane.. It is a life time great experience.. Actually KL + PJ area are quite small if u fly around with a plane.. u can go from Subang - KL - Batu Caves - Subang again less than 2min.. How great if i own a plane.. that will only happen in my dream.. =) i cant afford.. anyone want to buy me one?? hahah today we have a pilot with no experience.. MR.KENN!!!! I was pretty scare at first because this is the first time he fly a plane..He used to drive alot but not flying a plane.. but he was quite steady and everything goes smoothly YEAHHhh im SAFE !!!! THX MR.KENN for being so stressful .. im glad that im the passenger.. the stressful job im not gonna take it..=p I was actually enjoying in the air with the camera and SNAP Snap snAp and lOoking over those scenery..although V do not have really a clear blue sky due to the hazy weather.. but luckily there's no rain if not V might need to cancel our plan ~~ THX gOD !!! =p what's the difference between the big plane and this small plane??? actually not much difference for me.. but of coz small plane the departure and landing pressure is lesser and u can see the scenery better.. but other than that everything is just the same.. and not as much restriction as the big plane.. Small plane is much more easier to control the turning and the speed as compared to the big plane.. if you have a chance try to fly on with the small plane you will find it very exciting and fun ~~~

Cirrus S20 plane

pilot of the day.. MR.KENN

Im going to fly.. yeapppiee

im ready ~~~ let's go !!!

one of the KL scene..

For more pictures.. check it out at my FB acc :

Friday, June 11, 2010



眉毛是保護眼睛的屏障,能防止雨水和汗水的浸蝕。眉毛在眼睛上邊形成一道屏障,颳風時,它可以阻擋灰塵;下小雨時,它擋住雨水,不讓流進眼睛裏。夏天,額頭上出很多汗,但是汗珠不會流進眼裏,這也是眉毛的功勞。眉毛的多少,各個人不一樣,少的只有幾百根,多的超過 1000 根。中間的眉毛粗密而長,兩旁的則細疏而短。


觀察眉毛的粗細長短色澤及眉宇間距,可以知道人的體質強弱及性格狀況。 例如眉毛濃密者體質較強、精力充沛;眉毛疏淡者,體質多弱、精力偏差。眉毛粗短者,多性急易怒,常患急症;眉毛細長者,則性多溫柔而反應較慢。兩眉為V字形者,性多兇悍;兩眉為八字形者,性多怯弱。掃帚眉,性格狡黠,眉間距寬的胸懷寬廣,眉間距窄者多狹而猜疑。

眉毛還能反映人體的狀況。一般說來,眉毛濃,說明人體健康;眉毛稀疏,說明多病或疾病纏身。 眉毛與健康息息相關,就不要再為了漂亮而拔眉、紋眉,否則可能導致毛囊炎、蜂窩組織炎,甚至刺激眉毛周圍的神經血管,引起視力模糊。假如眉毛直而毫毛上翹生長,多為膀胱疾病的徵兆;眉毛末梢直且乾燥者,在男性可能以患有神經系統疾病,在女性則可能出現月經失調。 兩眉頭中間稱為印堂,要豐闊平正,兩眉舒展方為吉相。如有肺氣不足的病人,印堂會呈現蒼白,而氣血鬱滯者則變為青紫。有些小孩或營養不良患者,眉毛黃而枯焦,亦為肺氣虛的象徵。 位於雙眉內側,眉頭處的「攢竹穴」,自古即為治眉要穴。由於眼神經分支及前頭神經都分布在這一帶,所以常按摩此穴,不但能刺激眉毛生長,對於視力減退、前額頭痛,以及眼睛疲勞的消除,都有效果。中醫認為,眉毛的濃密與人的氣血及腎氣強弱有關。眉濃粗黑者,氣血旺盛、身強力壯,腎氣也較充足;眉毛淡疏易落者,氣血衰弱、體弱多病,容易手腳冰冷,腎氣也較弱。四十歲以後,眉毛外側逐漸掉落為自然衰老現象,未滿四十歲者,則屬早衰。故眉毛又稱為「保壽官」,難怪長壽者眉毛多半偏長。



A very sad case happened in Bangkok last month.. A very bad bad action had been done by the protester.. they bomb their nicest shopping mall and destroy their country badly.. Now the Central World had gone.. Tourist no longer can visit that shooping mall .. I was there twice last year aNd the year b4 last year.. I saw this video in youtube my heart really crack.. It seem they were so happy watching how the Central World on fire with laugher and clapping their hands.. It is really bad !!! I felt so sad even watching the video online.. I cant imagine what will be my reaction if i were there at that time..I love that shopping mall so much.. especially their cinema.. Awesome !!!!!!! but now has gone... I love their foodcourt Beef Noodless and thai dessert.. now gone !!! I love to shop in that shopping mall .. now no longer there.. I love their supermarket this is the place where i can buy cheap cherries, hair conditional, shampoo and etc .. Is just a wonderful place to hang out.. and their Baskin Robin ice cream , the nice Shabu Shabu ~~ oWChh !!!! feeling so sad right now! Bangkok used to be one of the best place to travel and i wish to visit there again.. but now it seem i might not have the chance anymore~~~ Looking at the video and rewind all the memories i had.. i felt really bad and sad ~~ looking at the street which full of dust and rubbish and imaging back when i was on the street there were so clean and i even sit on the floor to snap picture~~~ BANGKOK STOP PROTEST ! I LOVE YOUR COUNTRY !!!

this is the sad video how the Central World being Destroy ~~ =(

I was there [ Central World ] @ year 2008

I was there once again [ Central World ] @ year 2009

I was in the Central World building @ year 2009

I was taking picture with the transformer after watching that show @ Central World 2009

Thursday, June 10, 2010



1。不要問女人以前的事 ,畢竟過去的事了,


3。不要太大男人主義 ,現在的新時代女性,

4。不要把工作情緒帶給她 ,

5。不要當面去誇別人的女人漂亮 ,

6。不要拿你以前的女友與她相比 ,說以前那個如何如何的好,

7。不要在大街上小眼不停盯著某一個女人 ,

8。不要不懂得說情話 ,甜言密語是愛情的潤滑劑,

9。不要輕易去懷疑另一半 ,

10。不要試圖去綁住一個女人 ,

11。不要對不懂的事裝懂 ,現在的女人可不是草包,

12。不要在氣跑女朋友之後也不追 ,

13。不要睡在她身邊的時候喊的是別人的名字 ,切記切記……


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Movie Poster..

2dAy whole dAY was busy with my movie poster ... i just learned a new tool in photoshop which really helped me alot in all my work.. really appreciate the person who created the photoshop.. *thuMb up* .. photoshop is more interesting.. and u will not get bored of doing it.. but for illustrator i feel so boring bt bascially i hate drawing.. =) so here are the 3 posters that I did today..

Die Hard


Superman Returns

the poster that i like the most is Die Hard.. but still need alot improvement..
all this poster contain minimum 8 pictures ... there are 10pictures in Die Hard Poster..

Monday, June 7, 2010

ReveaL 4 : My Mask [ cOnt']

heyyA... here is another revealing about the mask i used.. this is another mask that i recommended.. Cheap and Good !!! It is from Natio.. you can get it in any SASA outlet only RM37.. It is a clay & plant face mask.. this mask can cleanse the skin deeply and balances surface oils and tightens your pores and ur skin.. the best part of this mask is it can prevent blemishes.. *thuMb uP* i hate blemishes...

this is how you will look like after apply the Natio mask.. totally WHITE !

mY nEw Luggage

yesterday i went to One Utama aNd woRkout iN gym..afterthat i went around the shopping mall for a walk and AH hA ~ i sAw there's a BIG BIG SALE for luggage bag.. and i saw the price RM69 , RM99 it is so cheap for a Big luggage..then i decided to have a loOk..i never tot of buying one yet..bt iM alwiZ looking for a big luggage that is really big enough whiCH can fits aLl the things i bought when i travel.. i found a few.. but Not really in a goOd condition that is why the price so cheaP.. but then i found this very nice and goOd luggage.. RM110 after discount and with 5 years warranty.. normal price is RM400 .. is very unique and easy to recognize... here you go for the picture of my New luggage.. =)

i like it very much ~

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Movie Poster..

I have learned another tools in PHOTOSHOP CS4 yesterday for creating a Poster for Spiderman.. although it doesnt look great..i think is pretty interesting.. when i knew it i like Ah ha.. that is how the ppl create the movie Poster for the cinema display.. in this poster i actually combine 7 difference picture 2gether..

this is my 1st time doing it.. not really a nice poster yet..still working hard on it..

what do you think??? not natural enough rite??

SpeciaL CAke anD cupcakes...

You mAy coMe across with many many cupcakes and cakes design iN your life.. but somehow there are someone who is very creative and come out something difference from what you have seen so far.. is really out of your expectation... wanna know more about it?? scoll through it and u will see it.. =)

the Singapore Merlion cupcake..

The US Statue of Liberty cupcake..

I wonder is there Petronas Tower cupcake?? hMm~ maybe in the future..

the beer cupcake..

the crab crab cupcake

MAybe you think that the 4 pictures above are pretty normal design for a cupcake.. but iM sure it needs alot of effort and time to complete it especially the drawing.. but what im going to show u next is Quite exaggerate design im sure u will be like WOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ especially ladies.. !!!

Limited Edition LV Watercolor ( Aquarelle )cake..

Another LV handbag Cake...

Dummy Gucci handbag Cake..

Gucci Bamboo Croc Skin handbag cake..

what i show you in the pictures is not for display purposes..is a real cake and eatable..the design so nice and so real.. iS that interesting??? COOL rite??? if you wish to customize one you can always check it out at
http://passionate-cakes.blogspot.com/ for more info.. hope u enjoy it.. =)

Friday, June 4, 2010

sAy NO to SUPPER ..

To those who eat supper very often PAY ATTENTION lo..





this is how you look like if you continuously eating supper.. to stop this nightmare start to change your eating HAbits.. you can make a difference...

If you have the habits to have late dinner better watch out.. Try to avoid that... day by day and soon or later you will used to it.. the best is before sleep 4 hours do not consume any food this scenario not only help you to get a more ideal body weight it also stay away from the body burden that food causes..

Let's be a healthy person .. =)

pHotoshOp CS4 ..

last weDnesday i learn about photoshop CS4.. i used to play around with photoshop CS2.. and i think it is quite difference btw that 2 version.. and in class. my lecture ask me to draw this cute lil potato man.. and i think is quite interesting and would like to share with u.. =)

compare photoshop with illustrator.. i like photoshop more.. because i can just do anything i want by using selection.. not like illustrator gotta do alot of drawing and i HATE drawing coZ im not good at it..

now is 11.52am and im waiting for my next class at home.. after the morning 9-11 class i have 4 hours break in btw..instead of mingle around at college i choose to go home... atlease i get to rest and relax awhile b4 the stressful computer graphic class again.. i will learn more tool and function on photoshop 2dae as well... if i could i willing to share what i have learned with all of you.. but is really hard to explain through words.. hmm~~

Thursday, June 3, 2010


this is my Mass coMm grouP assignment.. the POP UP BOOK... the story is baSed oN Unity and One MalaysiA..
Although is looks simple..but it is not easy to work oN..alot of colouring , drawing, cutting... and v did experiments as well.. Really hardwOrk.. Thx to my grouP members [ money , jeremy, ah boon , jared and chee how ] you guys Did a great JOb!!! *thuMb uP *

here's the story begins..

the book cover ..

1st page

2nd page

3rd page

4th page

5th page

6th page

7th page

8th page

9th page.. miss out the flag ~~

last page ..

credits ..

Hope you enjoy it ~ =p